Dear all
I was hoping to finish stitching Tobermory, however got a little distracted with some other patterns in my stash.
The plan was to pick the next couple of projects to follow Tobermory; as I wanted to pick charts rather than kits I was unsure whether I had all the threads already for the projects. In any case I got a little bit excited about sorting out my stash.
Whilst sorting the stash I came across some Halloween designs I wanted to stitch up next. I then realised that if I continued with my then current project I would not have enough time pre Halloween.
So here I am ... 'Scaredy Cat' by Love thy Thread.
WIP - October 2019 |
With some stitchy luck I may be able to finish by Halloween. I have been stitching for a week and am about one third into the project ... so need to apply double effort across the next week. Fingers (or thread) crossed for me.
Until soon,