Spent: £17.42
Earned: £8.00
Dear all,
Well I really wanted to make it to deadline for this post so hopefully it is on time.
Sew and So had a 10% discount ... with which I had a massive problem ... it put discount through then reduced the amount further when going through the payment (I was going aaaaa has it removed items due to unavailability or something)... and then the system deducted the full amount without the discount from my bank. It was an interesting sort of glitch. I emailed the company and regardless of it being the bank holiday Monday (the 1st one of May) had a lovely girl named Lisa email me back and apologise for inconvenience etc etc ... she unfortunately couldn't refund me the 10% straight away (bank holiday issue) but we got there in the end.
I bought three charts and corresponding buttons (for the Little Sheep Virtues SAL I am doing with Sarah):
and that's it ... I am officially banning me from buying (or so I hope).
I did have a finish (that I am allowed to count the earnings for anyway ... my Winter Friends was not officially 'stash' as it was bought and stitched straight away):click HERE for the original post |
And finally just to let you know I am going MIA for a wee bit. Just till my exams are done. Which will be a week on Tuesday! I am yet to reach the passing stage (55% on average) judging from practice questions ... but all is not lost ... or so I hope. And then I can catch up with everything stitchy.
Till soon,