Well, one of my resolutions should be to stitch less ... after all I have thousands of things that need to be done apart from my lovely projects.
But even so I want to mark some progress in this year. So my 12 projects - one for each month. This is a rough guide, as they are all different sizes, and would take various lengths of time. Also again my availability to stitch would vary from month to month. So in no order of preference:
1) 'Handpicked by Fizzy'. This is from a Calendar that came with World of Cross Stitching magazine. I have not begun the project yet. But it was in my list to do last year. I have stitched one other design from the 4 in the magazine last November - December. If I were to be honest I'd put all the Fizzy Moon designs I could find on the list to stitch. They are so lovely! I have done one 3 so far. One small card with a rose and another Christmassy were both given to my mum as presents. The third is yet to go up to the blog in March after it will be given as a present.
2) 'Country Trio'. One of three flowers is left to complete. 2 of them have been stitched and given as cards. I do not yet know who will receive this third one.
The one to do! |
3) Lickle Ted with a daffodil. I do not have a picture of this little project ... as I still need to locate it amongst my many belongings. It has been begun half a year ago ... and only needs half the backstitching to do. It is so tiny - I do not know why I haven't managed to complete it yet.
4) 'Xmas chums'. Fizzy Moon again! I have begun it as a present for christmas during summer ... managed to stitch the entire face before realising I have stitched it 10 squares lower than the centre. How silly! I then did not know whether to continue and have the design lower than the centre or unpick everything! I know it is not much ... but I hate unpicking so much. So I have stitched a different project instead.
5) 'Good Heavens'. An Anchor kit I bought on sale. Begun after finishing the walking home women, just to abandon to do the Fizzy Moon for Christmas present rush. I haven't yet managed to talk myself into picking it up again.
6) 'Making Lickle Wishes'. Maybe one of my more ambitious projects. It just seems so huge and scary. I begun it last March or April ... just to put aside to do smaller projects. Starting projects is so fun, yet the novelty always disappears fast, and all is left is annoyance at a blank canvas with its lack of stitches to count by. One has to change threads, and I do like completing colour by colour ... progress that way could be seen more clearly. Oh well ... believe it or not but I have done an entire colour in it - Ecru, and begun another. And this is the progress after quite a bit of work.

7) John Clayton: 'Big Ben'. This I haven't yet begun, yet have contemplated. So I want to be hopeful that I'd get some time to start it this year. There are several John Clayton kits I have acquired from eBay ... but decided to only aim to do 14-count. Scared for the others at the moment as they are even-weave, and I haven't yet done any on this type of fabric before. And probably want to buy some equipment to enlarge the fabric ... and not ruin my eyes further.
8) John Clayton: 'Venice". Again yet to begin.
9) John Clayton: 'Calla Lily'. Same as before. The last of John Clayton kits I want to attempt this coming year.
10) 'does my bum look big in this?' I saw this in a shop and just had to have it. Such an amazing morale boost ... I just keep telling myself that I am not fat ... I just look fat in the clothes I might be wearing. Sort of optimistic view of life. As you can probably see I have finished cross stitching it ... only need to backstitch it. The thing I hate most after unpicking! Anyhow hopefully this year it will be done.
11) A card kit that came along with one of the back copies of a magazine I have especially ordered for this card. I only have french knots to do. But again since it is a present it will only be pictured here once it is given - which should be by the end of the month I hope!
12) The Snowman card. I have begun this around last January ... hoping it would be done for the end of year festivities ... but it got put aside due to other more exciting projects. Stitching white on white is one of the things that put me off ... there seems to be no progress with this sort of stitching.
So the entire list is done ... good luck to me. I set off on this adventure intending to complete all of them ... yet as always this might be too hopeful. Fingers cross for success.
Till 9th of January then,